Category: News

HLMT Newsletter, March 2024

Dear HLMT supporter, Ask not, what HLMT can do for ME, but what I can do for HLMT!! Please let us know if YOU can raise funds for student midwives in Liberia by doing a sponsored run, walk or some other activity.  This, in addition to supporting some of the events below, purchasing our merchandise,…
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HLMT craft stall Saturday at Nottingham Makers and Vintage Markets, 19th October 2024

This is a new venue for HLMT and we are excited to be part of a really popular market in Nottingham city centre. Please come and say hello to us at the Belgrave Rooms and enjoy the market. Details are on the poster below.

Live Music Evening, Saturday 10th February 2024

A full, sold-out hall at the Sherwood URC was entertained from start to finish by three wonderful bands. Playing and singing of the highest quality had the audience up, dancing and calling for more! At the end of a joyous evening, thanks to the effort of the bands and audience, over £1,100 had been raised…
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HLMT stall at Sherwood Vegan Market, Saturday 9th December 2023

On a very wet, windy and cold day, HLMT held a Liberian Arts and Crafts Stall at the Vegan Market at Sherwood United Reformed Church. Numbers of people at the market were noticeably down on previous markets, as were our takings. We took just over £109, which will go towards the training of student midwives…
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Live music evening, Friday 24th November 2023

A great night of music, played to a packed house, with three very talented groups providing rich entertainment. The result (apart from a good night’s music and dancing) – £1000 raised, which will more than cover one Liberian student midwife’s course and accommodation fees for a year! Performing were: – Strawberry Jammers: A feast of…
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HLMT Newsletter, November 2023

Buy your seasonal gifts from HLMT’s Etsy shop and upcoming events 1. Buying your seasonal gifts at our Etsy shop Stocking-fillers and special gifts – the HLMT merch group has been hard at work creating a new range of Liberian Lapa-based products. Additions to our range include new seasonal cards,  draw-string gift bags, tote/shopping bags,…
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HLMT Zumbathon, Saturday 4 November 2023, 10.00 until 12.30, Sherwood URC

Thirty-eight Zumbathoners lit up the hall with their energy and joy. Charm, Daley, HLMT trustee and herself an experienced Zumba instructor and four other brilliant Zumba instructors led the Zumbathon. Two-and-a-half hours of dancing, exercising, laughing and fun! A raffle, HLMT merchandise, cakes and refreshments too. RESULT – over £1000 raised for grants to Liberian…
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Cake Sale by Maternity Staff at Nottingham City Hospital for HLMT

In mid-October 2023 the maternity staff at Nottingham’s City Hospital spent two days baking, selling, buying and eating a large selection of delicious cakes. This event raised a WHOPPING £525 for HLMT funds. All the money raised will go to providing grants for midwifery students in Liberia who otherwise could not afford to undertake their…
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HLMT stall at Sherwood Vegan Market, Saturday 14th October 2023 from 10.00 until 2.30

On a sunny but cold day, HLMT held a stall at the Sherwood Vegan Market. Crafts, plants, greetings cards and gifts were on sale, with Liberian Lapa fabric arts and crafts, jewellery, plants, home-made preserves and more. £260 was raised for HLMT funds, all of which will go to support the study and accommodation fees…
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HLMT Arts/Crafts/Plants Stall Saturday 30th September 2:00 – 4:30 p.m.

HLMT was invited to a Christian Aid Fund Raising Event at St Martins Church, Trevose Gardens, Sherwood, Nottingham NG5 3FU. It was a very friendly and well-attended event despite the rain! Just over £200 was made for HLMT funds, all of which will go to funding a place for a student midwife in Liberia. Thanks…
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