Tag: fundraising

Zumbathon Saturday 7th May 2022 10.00am – 1.00pm. (doors open 9.30am)

Charm Daley, a HLMT trustee and Zumba instructor, together with four other instructors ran this fundraising event to celebrate the International day of the Midwife! Three hours of non-stop, high-energy, fun-filled Zumba, with over thirty women taking part, having either raised their own sponsorship or donated to Charm’s fundraising page. A raffle, featuring a signed…
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Cake Sale by Nottingham City Hospital Maternity Unit Staff, 7th December, 2021

Staff from the maternity team – receptionists, doctors, support workers and midwives – raised £438.87 for The Helen Loewenstein Memorial Trust. They contributed to the buying and selling of cakes, some paying £10 for a small cookie, in order to raise funds for the Trust. The staff all work in the maternity unit where Helen…
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Plant and Craft Stall, 17th April 2021(outside Crimson Tree, Sherwood, Nottingham)

On a sunny day, HLMT trustees Carol McCormick, Charm Daley, Pippa MacKeith, Roger Williams and a number of brilliant supporters held a wonderfully successful stall. It attracted dozens of buyers and raised over £1500, sufficient to fund a trainee midwife’s training fees for two years! A BIG thank you to Carol McCormick and everyone else…
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Plant and Craft Stall Saturday 17th April 2021

As lockdown conditions ease, HLMT can again begin to run events on the ground. The first of these is a Spring Plant and Craft Stall on 17th April. Details are in the poster below. This event will mainly be of interest to supporters in and around Nottingham.