A brilliant night’s music, played to a full house of over 80. From the beautiful harmonies of QM to the energy-filled sets by Blend and Darkhorse, the audience was richly entertained and rewarded.
And, at the end of the night, the event netted £1,110 for HLMT! More than sufficient to pay the course and accommodation fees for one midwife for a year. Brilliant!
Headliners were :
Dark Horse: Classic Pop and Rock Covers from the likes of The Who, The Stones, Thin Lizzy ZZ Top, Bad Company and more… from this top Nottingham band.

Blend: Nineties and Noughties songs with close harmony and vocal percussion played by a trio of musicians

QM: A Cappella singing at its finest with songs from across the decades from this award winning Barbershop Quartet

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