LIVE MUSIC, with THREE LOCAL BANDS, Saturday 4th February 2023, Sherwood, Nottingham

A brilliant night’s music, played to a full house of over 80. From the beautiful harmonies of QM to the energy-filled sets by Blend and Darkhorse, the audience was richly entertained and rewarded.

And, at the end of the night, the event netted £1,110 for HLMT! More than sufficient to pay the course and accommodation fees for one midwife for a year. Brilliant!

Headliners were :

Dark Horse: Classic Pop and Rock Covers from the likes of The Who, The Stones, Thin Lizzy ZZ Top, Bad Company and more… from this top Nottingham band.

Darkhorse getting the audience dancing

Blend:  Nineties and Noughties songs with close harmony and vocal percussion played by a trio of musicians 

Blend wowing a full house

QM: A Cappella singing at its finest with songs from across the decades from this award winning Barbershop Quartet

QM in full, melodic voice

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