Month: November 2022

Stanley Accrington and the Strawberry Jammers, 25th November 2022, Lady Bay, Nottingham

Another great night of music – a gig organised by Dave and Wendy Pratt to benefit The Helen Loewenstein Memorial Trust, which raised close to £1,200 for HLMT – fantastic! Stanley Accrington and the Strawberry Jammers each played a couple of stonking sets to a packed room. Thanks to Dave and Wendy, the musicians, trustees…
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Saturday, 19th November 2022 Boots Orchestra in Nottingham

St. Mark’s Church, Woodthorpe (7:30 p.m.) The Boots Orchestra played a great concert in aid of The Helen Loewenstein Memorial Trust at St Mark’s Church, Woodthorpe. A highlight was Saint-Saens’s 3rd violin concerto, with Megumi Rolfe, soloist in residence at the Boots Orchestra, playing beautifully. The programme also included the Overture to “Mirella” by…
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Sherwood Vegan Market, Saturday 12th November 2022 10.00 a.m. to 2.30 p.m.

HLMT had a stall at the market with a full range of cards, crafts preserves and indoor and outdoor plants. There was a good degree of interest despite the stall being at one end of the market. £266 was raised towards HLMT funds. Big thanks go to Celia, Lee, Pete, Pippa, Ros and Stella for…
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