Month: September 2022

Nottingham Green Festival, Sunday 11th September

The Helen Loewenstein Memorial Trust set up a lovely crafts and plants stall at the Green Festival, which attracted good crowds to a large, well-organised, friendly event. Many people came to the HLMT stall to browse and buy crafts and produce and to talk with HLMT people. The stall raised over £900, sufficient to fund…
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Celebration of the life of Phil O’Keefe 4th September 2022

HLMT trustees Pete and Stella were asked to speak about the trust at this event, held in Tynemouth and attended by around 150 people. Supporters may remember that, when Phil died in 2020, his family and friends donated around £5000 to HLMT in his memory. Stella and Pete also brought with them a selection of…
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Mistakes Party Saturday 3rd September 2022 from 4.00 p.m.

Nottingham HLMT supporters Paula Brady and Bob Blatchford organised a hugely successful ‘Mistakes Party” for HLMT. They gave over their house to fill most rooms full of items that friends and HLMT supporters had donated. And on the day many dozens of people came to enjoy their hospitality and food, and to support HLMT by…
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