Broxtowe Christmas Lights switch ons November 2019

Stalls at two events organised by HLMT Trustee, Celia. She raised £187.
One Off Art Sale stall November 2019
Organised by HLMT Trustee, Stella, and staffed by HLMT Trustees Carol, Celia, Pippa, Nick and Roger with supporters Angel and Leonie. It raised £175.

“Music for Liberian Midwives” October 2019

Organised by Julie, a friend of Helen’s family, and Roger, a HLMT Trustee, etc. It raised £1200 .
Helen Janiszewski Robin Hood Half Marathon September 2019
Helen, who was Helen Loewenstein’s mentor and midwife colleague, trained for and completed her first-ever half-marathon specifically to raise funds for the Trust. She raised £900.

Green Festival Stall September 2019

Staffed by three HLMT trustees, Carol, Celia and Pippa. It raised £370.
Celia Knight – Suffolk Coastal walk June 2019
Celia, a HLMT trustee and life-long friend of Helen’s, completed this tough 90-mile walk in atrocious gales and thunderous rains in June. She raised £1500.

“Madwives” planned walk

A group of Helen’s midwife colleagues organised a trip to Malaga in Spain to walk El Caminito del Rey – known in the past as the “world’s most dangerous walkway”. To their huge disappointment, when they arrived on the day, very high winds forced the closure of the Caminito. They are determined to return next year to complete the walk. They raised £3000.
Stall at Celebration of Helen’s Life February 2019
Staffed by two HLMT trustees, Celia and Stella. It raised £270.

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