Dear HLMT supporter,
Ask not, what HLMT can do for ME, but what I can do for HLMT!!
Please let us know if YOU can raise funds for student midwives in Liberia by doing a sponsored run, walk or some other activity. This, in addition to supporting some of the events below, purchasing our merchandise, standing orders or signing up to EasyFundraising – see below.
- Upcoming events, including music nights, a sponsored marathon, a history walk and HLMT craft and plant stalls
- News from Liberia from and about students sponsored by HLMT
- New HLMT merchandise
- Recent events
- Easyfundraising
- Standing orders, donations and bequeaths in wills
1. Upcoming events
a. Sponsor Hollie’s Paris Marathon for HLMT on Saturday 6th April 2024
Hollie Sanderson is a midwife at St Thomas’ Hospital in London. She is running the Paris Marathon on 6th April to raise funds for HLMT. Please sponsor Hollie by going to her fundraising site, and support her run. A big THANK YOU to everyone who has already sponsored Hollie! And of course, HUGE thanks to Hollie!

b. Live Music Night, three great acts Saturday 18th May 7.30 p.m.
Another great HLMT production, with a line-up of three acts:
– LOOMA – Acoustic roots and folk from the swamps of Louisiana to the Swedish midnight Sun, and everywhere in between
– PAUL CARBUNCLE – Some call it folk-punk while others call it punk-folk
– STRAWBERRY JAMMERS – A feast of folk, a hint of blues and a little bit of rock and roll
Book your tickets, £10 in advance, available from or £12 on the door (if not sold out).
Bring your own drinks, glasses and snacks!

c. HLMT Plant and Craft Stall outside Crimson Tree, Saturday 18th May 10.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.
Support HLMT at our Crafts and Plants stall! Plants, plants, plants (and even more plants!) Greetings cards, Liberian Lapa fabric arts and crafts, home-made preserves and more… Outside Crimson Tree, corner Mansfield Road/Burlington Road Sherwood, Nottingham NG5 2FX. All proceeds from sales go to The Helen Loewenstein Memorial Trust.

d. Sherwood History Walk for HLMT Thursday 6th June 18.30 p.m.
Mo Cooper, local historian will lead this 2-mile, 90-minute walk starting at Sherwood Community Centre car park, Mansfield Road, NG5 3FN. There are just 20 places available, booking £5 in advance at Further donations are very welcome on the day. All participants are welcome to retire for a drink after the walk at The Sherwood Manor pub.
Murder in the woods! Where did the paste board makers live? Where was the first Methodist chapel, the first library, our first brew house, Sherwood’s back to backs?
All proceeds will go to The Helen Loewenstein Memorial Trust towards the fees of midwifery students in Liberia.

e. HLMT Plant & Craft Stall Chilwell Garage Sunday 30th June 10.00 to 2.00 p.m.
Come and support HLMT’s Liberian arts and crafts stall! Greetings cards, festival bunting, tote bags, aprons, lavender bags, cushion covers and much more…
The Garage Sunday Market, 63 High Road, Chilwell, Beeston, NG9 4AJ (next to Nottingham College, Chilwell tram stop).
“The Garage Market brings together some of the highest quality traders of craft, vintage, food and drink as we transform The Garage into a sprawling urban market hall.”

f. HLMT Stall, Nottingham Green Festival, Sunday 8th September 2024 12.00 to 6.00 p.m.
Details in our next newsletter
g. Live Music Night, Saturday 28th September 7.30 p.m.
Details in our next newsletter
h. Live Music Night, Friday 29th November 7.30 p.m.
Kelly’s Heroes and Karen McLeod. Details in the next newsletter
2. News from Liberia
All ten midwifery students being sponsored by HLMT at the Phoebe-Esther Bacon College of Health Sciences in Zorzor (formerly the Esther Bacon School of Nursing and Midwifery) are doing really well. HLMT trustees recently received college reports on each of the students from the college. They have all met all academic requirements, some of them with outstanding results.
The first two students sponsored by HLMT, Aminata Sumanie and Suah Valai, are due to graduate from their four-year degree course on 31st May. HLMT trustees Pete Loewenstein and Stella Nickolay will be making a private visit to Liberia to be present at the graduation ceremony.
The photos show Aminata and Suah during their studies.

Pete and Stella will also make contact with the senior civil servants and parliamentarians that have newly come into post as a result of the recent Liberian elections, thus strengthening ties between HLMT and key Liberian stakeholders.
3. New Merchandise available from HLMT
Members of the HLMT Merch group and supporters have been hard at work through the winter producing a new range of cards and other Liberia Lapa products, including cushion covers, festival bunting, table runners, and tote bags.
Please visit our Etsy shop at and browse all HLMT merchandise. Much of this will also be available at the events detailed earlier in the newsletter.

4. Recent events
a. Live music evening, Friday 24th November 2023 (SOLD OUT)
A great night of music, played to a packed house, with three very talented groups providing rich entertainment. The result (apart from a good night’s music and dancing) – £1000 raised, which will more than cover one Liberian student midwife’s course and accommodation fees for a year!
Performing were:
– Strawberry Jammers: A feast of folk, a hint of blues and a little bit of rock and roll
– Pitch and Mix: Award-winning a capella choir with classic songs old and new
– Jelly: Feel-good, foot-tapping sounds from across the decades
Big thanks to the three groups for a quality evening, to Roger Williams for coordinating the music acts, Dave for producing great sound, Sherwood URC for their hall and to HLMT trustees and volunteers Carol, Ingrid, Michael, Pete, Pippa and Stella for working behind the scenes and front of house.

b. HLMT Stall at Sherwood Vegan Market, Saturday 9th December 2023
On a very wet, windy and cold day, HLMT held a Liberian Arts and Crafts Stall indoors at the Vegan Market at Sherwood United Reformed Church. Numbers of people at the market were noticeably down on previous markets, as were our takings. We took just over £109, which will go towards the training of student midwives in Liberia. Thanks to Carol, Ingrid, Joan, Maggie, Michael, Pete and Stella for setting up and running the stall.

c. Live music evening, Saturday 10th February 2024 (SOLD OUT)
A full hall at Sherwood URC was entertained from start to finish by three wonderful bands. Playing and singing of the highest quality had the audience up, dancing and calling for more!
At the end of a brilliant evening, thanks to the effort of the bands and audience, over £1,100 had been raised towards HLMT funds – more than sufficient to pay for a year’s study and accommodation fees of a Liberian midwifery student.
Massive thanks go to the bands, The Terminal Five Experience, Lowered Tones and Jelly. Also to Dave Martin who did a great job on sound, to the Sherwood URC for their hall and facilities, to RideWise Beeston for their £80 token as a raffle prize, and to HLMT trustees and volunteers Carol, George, Ingrid, Michael, Pippa, Pete and Stella for working behind the scenes and front of house.

5. Shop online via Easyfundraising and automatically raise funds for HLMT
Sign up with Easyfundraising by creating an account – it’s free and easy!
- Enter “The Helen Loewenstein Memorial Trust” as your good cause.
- When you search online for a product or service, e.g. home insurance or screwdrivers, a selection of sites will appear. Those linked to Easyfundraising will display the Easyfundraising logo.
- When you visit a website that is linked to Easyfundraising, an Easyfundraising “Free Donation!” tab appears automatically.
- Click on the “Free Donation!” tab – and when you make your purchase, a small percentage goes to HLMT. It’s as easy as that.
Please give it a go and help raise funds for midwifery training!
The amount raised per online transaction may be small, but the amount raised by those who’ve signed up to Easyfundraising is already well over £100. Please encourage all your family, friends and contacts to sign up and to nominate The Helen Loewenstein Memorial Trust as their chosen cause
6. Standing orders, donations and bequeaths in wills
HLMT aims to increase the number of Liberian midwifery students it sponsors from year to year.
The mainstay of our fundraising is the regular Standing Orders and one-off donations from supporters, which are crucial to our work and for which we are so grateful. We continue to fundraise, however we have a long way to go before we are financially sustainable into the future.
Our overheads are minimal, there are no paid staff and all the funds we raise are used to fund the training costs of student midwives in Liberia. If you have not already done so, it would be tremendous if you could please set up a Standing Order, no matter how small or large. Please return the form to us and NOT to your bank.
Whilst we hope that all of our supporters have long and happy lives, we would also be very grateful if you feel able to include HLMT in your will!
As always, a massive “thank you” to everyone who has supported the work of The Helen Loewenstein Memorial Trust – also to our trustees, volunteers, supporters, and Sherwood URC for providing space for us to meet and hold events at minimal cost.
Helen would be astonished but very proud at what is being achieved in her memory.

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