Dear HLMT supporter, IN THIS NEWSLETTER, LOTS OF POSITIVE RECENT DEVELOMENTS! 1. Two more HLMT-sponsored midwifery students begin their studies in Zorzor In mid-June, 2024, the Phoebe-Esther Bacon College of Health Sciences held interviews to select this September’s intake of midwifery students. With the assistance of Abdul Rahman Bah, representing HLMT, two excellent candidates were…
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Dear HLMT supporter, IN THIS NEWSLETTER , SO MANY POSITIVE DEVELOMENTS TO REPORT! The first HLMT- sponsored Liberian midwifery students graduate! Two more midwifery students appointed to receive HLMT sponsorship Donate to HLMT between 10th and 17th October 2024 via , AND YOUR DONATION WILL DOUBLE! British Embassy in Liberia has agreed to sponsor…
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Dear HLMT supporter, Ask not, what HLMT can do for ME, but what I can do for HLMT!! Please let us know if YOU can raise funds for student midwives in Liberia by doing a sponsored run, walk or some other activity. This, in addition to supporting some of the events below, purchasing our merchandise,…
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Buy your seasonal gifts from HLMT’s Etsy shop and upcoming events 1. Buying your seasonal gifts at our Etsy shop Stocking-fillers and special gifts – the HLMT merch group has been hard at work creating a new range of Liberian Lapa-based products. Additions to our range include new seasonal cards, draw-string gift bags, tote/shopping bags,…
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Dear HLMT supporter, It’s been a busy period for HLMT, with a number of events scheduled in the coming months. Highlights (details in the attached newsletter) include: 1. HLMT-sponsored students in Liberia In July 2023 Patience Dee was selected to receive a HLMT grant to cover her student fees, accommodation and basic expenses for the…
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So much has happened in the past few months, and we’re looking forward to another period when you, our supporters will continue to help us to provide further grants for midwifery students in Liberia. As Spring turns to Summer, The Helen Loewenstein Memorial Trust encourages you to actively contribute to what HLMT does. 1. Why…
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The Helen Loewenstein Memorial Trust would like to wish you and all other HLMTsupporters a happy and healthy 2023.A lot has happened in the past few months, and we’re looking forward to another yearwhen our supporters will help us to provide further grants for midwifery students in Liberia.The eight Liberian midwifery students that HLMT currently…
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Two November concerts and Christmas cards/gifts on offer from HLMT Dear supporters, You’ll be glad to know that HLMT activities have continued apace over the past few months. The eight midwifery students in Zorzor, Liberia, who are receiving HLMT grants, have all started their new academic year in September. Three fundraising events have raised around…
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Supporters of the Helen Loewenstein Memorial Trust will be pleased to hear that a lot has happened through the summer – additional HLMT-sponsored student midwives appointed in Liberia, successful fundraising events in the UK. And there are more events as we move from summer into autumn. More of all of that later.Firstly we are asking…
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Dear supporters, You will be glad to hear that a lot has happened in the past few months since our Autumn Newsletter, and that several events are already arranged for this year, three of them in May! This newsletter includes news of forthcoming events, developments in Liberia and recent events: A Zumbathon fundraiser on 7th…
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