Dear HLMT supporter, IN THIS NEWSLETTER, LOTS OF POSITIVE RECENT DEVELOMENTS! 1. Two more HLMT-sponsored midwifery students begin their studies in Zorzor In mid-June, 2024, the Phoebe-Esther Bacon College of Health Sciences held interviews to select this September’s intake of midwifery students. With the assistance of Abdul Rahman Bah, representing HLMT, two excellent candidates were…
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Dear HLMT supporter, IN THIS NEWSLETTER , SO MANY POSITIVE DEVELOMENTS TO REPORT! The first HLMT- sponsored Liberian midwifery students graduate! Two more midwifery students appointed to receive HLMT sponsorship Donate to HLMT between 10th and 17th October 2024 via , AND YOUR DONATION WILL DOUBLE! British Embassy in Liberia has agreed to sponsor…
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So much has happened in the past few months, and we’re looking forward to another period when you, our supporters will continue to help us to provide further grants for midwifery students in Liberia. As Spring turns to Summer, The Helen Loewenstein Memorial Trust encourages you to actively contribute to what HLMT does. 1. Why…
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The Helen Loewenstein Memorial Trust would like to wish you and all other HLMTsupporters a happy and healthy 2023.A lot has happened in the past few months, and we’re looking forward to another yearwhen our supporters will help us to provide further grants for midwifery students in Liberia.The eight Liberian midwifery students that HLMT currently…
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Carol McCormick, HLMT Trustee and retired Consultant Midwife, has recently written the article below for Issue 171 (Winter 2021) of “Midwifery Matters”, the magazine of the Association of Radical Midwives. It describes the work of HLMT in the context of the economic and maternal health conditions in Liberia, and gives a summary of HLMT’s achievements…
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As HLMT supporters you will be glad to hear that a lot has happened in the past couple of months and that more is planned for the rest of the year. This newsletter includes news of: An evening of Live Music on Saturday 27th November 2021 – 3 bands and HLMT stall; New HLMT cards…
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We have really excellent news – the first two midwifery students sponsored by HLMT, Aminata Sumanie and Suah Vala, began their three-year studies in January 2021 at the Esther Bacon School of Nursing and Midwifery in Zorzor, north-east Liberia. They both met the HLMT criteria: they had the appropriate academic qualifications and required sponsorship in…
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Newsletter November 2020 from the Helen Loewenstein Memorial Trust – HLMT Online Shop Open, Liberian developments, New Trustees, generous friends of HLMT, successful online Music Festival Dear friends and supporters Covid-19 has impacted on everyone and everything this year including our Trust. Nonetheless the work of HLMT has continued to develop well, and since our…
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Dear friends and supporters We very much hope that you are ALL safe, well and managing OK through the Covid-19 pandemic – and even managing to enjoy some of the sunshine and fresh air! What follows is news of HLMT’s work and some exciting developments, supported by photos that are attached. Live Music Festival Saturday…
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